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  Conditions of Use

General Terms and Conditions

for the Onlineshop of Arthur Eberwein , MEVA - handgemachte Uhrenarmbänder

Arthur Eberwein
Blumenstr. 5b
86850 Fischach

Phone: (+49) (8236) 1826
Fax: (+49) (8236) 958329

E-Mail Adressen:

1. General
Unless explicitly otherwise agreed upon, all offers, agreements and deliveries are made pursuant to the general terms and conditions (GTC) of the online shop:

Any deviating general terms and conditions of the customer shall be expressly excluded.
Offers are only valid as long as they are published on our internet pages. All information is given without guarantee. In particular, no obligation is assumed for the completeness of the stated prices. We assume no liability for errors and printing mistakes; prices and products remain subject to change.


2. Conclusion of contract
Our offers are without engagement and not binding. The presentation of the products in our online-shop shall not constitute a legally binding offer, but is merely a non-binding online-catalogue. We shall not assume any liability for errors in illustrations, descriptions, measurements, weights and we reserve the right to change our designs. Pictures shall be for illustration purposes only and might deviate from the actual product. The customer’s order placed on our internet pages or via e-mail, internet auction, post, fax or telephone is binding. Receipt of the order will be confirmed immediately after the order is sent. A purchase contract shall only come into effect once the goods are delivered.

3. Delivery
Goods are usually delivered within 5 working days after receipt of advance payment via bank transfer to our account 120667, bank code number 72050101 with the DAB Bank (IBAN: DE75720501010000120667, BIC: BYLADEM1AUG) or with payment via Paypal. We will inform you, should there be delays in deliveries.
Information given by the seller regarding delivery dates are non-binding and only represent non-binding estimates. Fixed date deliveries can not be guaranteed. If a deadline can not be met due to an act of God, strike, fire, machine failure, unforeseen hindrances or other circumstances not imputable to the seller, the delivery deadline will be extended for the duration of the event. The same applies if the seller defaults for late delivery.
Shipping damages that the principal discovers after receipt of the goods are to be reported to the carrier or to us within 24 hours after receipt of said goods unless the sender has already been notified; otherwise, claims for compensation or replacements will no longer be possible.

4. Prices
The prices aplply ex stock and are stated as unit prices in euros and contain applicable statutory VAT, currently 19%, hereafter referred to as the "Value of Goods". All prices are effective until a new price list is released.
The shipping costs and any C.O.D. charges are not included in the price and will be added to the order amount separately. The packaging is included in the price. There may be markups by customs for deliveries abroad. Customs duties are generally borne by the buyer.

 5. Payment, set-off, assignment
Advance payment (bank transfer or Paypal), C.O.D. payment is subject to fees (possible only within Germany). The payment terms on our internet pages, in offers or in the order confirmation apply exclusively. The customer shall not be entitled to assert any right of retention unless the claims forming the basis of such right of retention arrose out of the same contractual relationship. The assignment or pledge of claims or rights the customer has vis-à-vis the seller shall be excluded unless the seller gave its prior consent or unless the customer can provide evidence for a legitimate interest.

6. Retention of Title
All delivered goods remain our property until payment of the purchase price is made in full. Accounts receivable from the resale of goods shall be assigned to us equivalent to the amount of the original invoice. In the event that the delivered goods or the property on which the goods are located are encumbered or are otherwise claimed by third parties (e.g. as a result of receivership or judicial sale), the buyer is obligated to notify said third parties of our property rights and to immediately notify us in writing and provide us with copies of the return of execution.

7. Right of Revocation
In case the customer is a consumer and he/she concluded a contract with the seller exclusively via telecommunication means, including but not limited to telephone, e-mail or fax or via the seller's website, the customer shall have a right of revocation as described below.

In exceptional cases there shall be no right of revocation:

if the customer purchased the products from the seller in order to use them in a commercial or self-employed business activity (in this case, the customer shall not be deemed to be a consumer) or

in case of products products produced according to the customers's specifications or that were clearly customized to the customer's personal needs (custom-made products).

The customer shall be entitled to revoke the contract in writing (via letter, fax or e-mail) or by returning the product, in each case within 14 days and without stating any grounds therefor. This period of time shall not commence before the receipt of these instructions in writing and not before receipt of the goods in any case. The revocation has to be addressed to: Arthur Eberwein, Bluenstr. 5b, 86850 Fischach.


8. Consequences of Revocation
In the event of a valid revocation the mutually received performances are to be returned as are any benefits gained (e.g. interest). Pursuant to Sec. 3 of the German Remote Sales Act in conjunction with Sec.  361b of the German Civil Code, you are entitled to rescind the contract within a period of 30 days (from receipt of the goods until the package is returned) by returning the goods purchased from Steinhart Günter.
Should you wish to rescind the contract, simply return the goods received from us within a 30-day period to the above mentioned address.
Please be sure to send us a written notice (e.g. together with the package), in which you declare that you wish to exercise your right to return (i.e. to rescind the contract), so that we do not mistake the return as a product complaint.
We will of course return the purchase price as well as the costs of returning the goods.
For security reasons, please return the goods as a package postage prepaid.
Packages for which the postage has not been paid will not be accepted.

9. Warranty and Guarantee
The seller shall be liable for defects in quality in accordance with the statutory provisions applicable, in particular sections 434 et seqq. of the German Civil Code. A guarantee must be expressly stated in the delivery confirmation for the respective product in order to be effective. The seller shall not give a guarantee.

Our watchstraps are hand-made unique pieces out of the natural product leather. Slight deviations in color, surface finish and manufacturing measures can occur, this is however no lack. The conversion of special productions on special customer's request is impossible, except this first were expressly agreed upon from the conversion.

10. Data Storage / Data Protection
We hereby notify our customers that we store and process your data – as far as is commercially necessary and admissible under the German Federal Data Protection Act. The data will not be passed on to third parties
We use your user data exclusively in processing your order. We store and process all customer data in accordance with the applicable provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Acts and the German Teleservices Data Protection Act. You have a right to free disclosure of your data as well as having it corrected, blocked or erased at any time. Please contact us at:  or send your questions via post or fax.
We will not forward your personal data, including your house and e-mail address to third parties without your express consent which can be revoked at any time. Exception is made with regard to our service partners who require the transfer of data to process the orders (e.g. the carrier commissioned with the delivery and the credit institution commissioned with processing the payment). In these cases the extent of the data transferred will be kept to the minimum required.
We employ technical and organizational security measures to protect our data from unintentional and intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons.
Your e-mail will be put on our news list. You will receive information from us occasionally. Please let us know via e-mail if you do not wish to receive said information.
In our online-shop session identification numbers are stored in so-called session cookies which are used to save the content of your shopping basket. These cookies are deleted after leaving the shop or after closing your browser. You can set your browser to accept or block cookies from this site.
Information on the contents of the shopping basket of registered customers will be saved in our database and can be retrieved at the next visit. If you would like to login at our shop or place an order, we will need your customer information. If you are already a customer at our shop, you can log on conveniently with your e-mail address and your personal password. The data recorded in the database eliminates the need to fill out the form.


Freitag, 07 Februar 2025             
Prices incl. legal VAT, add. the appropriate shipping costs.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the legal owner and are only used here for descreptions.