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Right of Returns

  Right of Return

In case the customer is a consumer and he / she concluded a contract with the seller exclusively via telecommunication means, including but not limited to telephone, e-mail or fax or via the sellers website, the customer shall have a right of revocation as described below.

In exceptional cases there shall be no right of revocation:

if the customer purchased the products from the seller in order to use them in a commercial or self-employed business activity (in this case, the customer shall not be deemed to be a consumer) or

in case of products products produced according to the customers specifications or that were clearly customized to the customers personal needs (custom-made products).

The customer shall be entitled to revoke the contract in writing (via letter, fax or e-mail) or by returning the product, in each case within 14 days and without stating any grounds therefor. This period of time shall not commence before the receipt of these instructions in writing and not before receipt of the goods in any case. The revocation has to be addressed to: Arthur Eberwein, Blumenstr. 5b,  86850 Fischach

In the event of a valid revocation the mutually received performances are to be returned as are any benefits gained (e.g. interest). Pursuant to Sec. 3 of the German Remote Sales Act in conjunction with Sec. 361b of the German Civil Code, you are entitled to rescind the contract within a period of 30 days (from receipt of the goods until the package is returned) by returning the goods purchased from Arthur Eberwein.
Should you wish to rescind the contract, simply return the goods received from us within a 30-day period to the above mentioned address.
Please be sure to send us a written notice (e.g. together with the package), in which you declare that you wish to exercise your right to return (i.e. to rescind the contract), so that we do not mistake the return as a product complaint.
We will of course return the purchase price as well as the costs of returning the goods.
For security reasons, please return the goods as a package postage prepaid.
Packages for which the postage has not been paid will not be accepted.

Our straps are handmade unique pieces from the natural product leather. Minor deviations in paint, surface state and manufacture masses can seem material-partly and show no shortage. Special made straps at customer request are excluded from the exchange, except this was explicid agreed.


Freitag, 07 Februar 2025             
Prices incl. legal VAT, add. the appropriate shipping costs.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the legal owner and are only used here for descreptions.